Weekend Wrap Up


Mar 6, 2017

How can it already to March?! So crazy!!! I cant believe how fast this year is already going. Well, We had a fun weekend! I spent the day on Saturday, in Columbus hanging with my sisters, while Trev worked hard on the house. I played some Guess Who with Gia, this is her favorite game and she beats you almost every time. She is hilarious. I love being an auntie. While I was in Columbus, my mom threw a little diaper shower for Kassandra and her twin girls (I blogged this shoot this past friday) It was so fun getting to see the girls again, they are 2 month old and both 8lbs. Sweet as can be and still so hard to tell apart. It was a cute little shower, loved spending the morning celebrating them! I hung out the rest of the day with the girls and played games. It was a perfect little Saturday 🙂 Remi enjoyed coming as well and hanging with Mack, they are best buds (that fight over all the balls). 

Sunday was church and we hung with Trev’s parents in the afternoon chatting it up for hours at east of Chicago, we all laughed because we stayed long enough to hit the dinner buffet. It was a great afternoon. We then went to check up on the house. I am so thankful for all work Trev does over there. We are officially ready for insulation and finishing plumbing. I can see drywall in the near future and I CANNOT wait. Hoping to see a lot of changes over the next month or so. I will keep you updated as we continue to move forward. 

Ohhh The photos below are from a fun little shoot I photographed for some amazing vendors Eco Flora and Auburn and Ivory Creative at the Anderson Farm in Ohio. I received a text last Sunday asking if I had some free time for a fun shoot and Tuesday it all came to life (yes in 2 days) and was a amazing and so fun. I just wanted to share a few sneak peeks. Cant wait to edit them all! 🙂 Yay for fun creative friends.

Here’s to another Monday! Hope your weekend was full of friends, family and laughter. Have another great week!!! xox


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