Hello Fresh Review


Mar 8, 2017

Hello Fresh

Just two weeks ago we received our first box of meals from Hello Fresh! I had been wanting to try one of these box subscriptions for a while and have heard nothing but good things about Hello Fresh, I received a code and wanted to give it a shot. If you are anything like me and deciding what to pick to make for dinner can be a struggle this was nice to know we had 3 meals planned for the week and I didn’t have to go to the store for them 🙂 My kind of cooking. 

We got to pick the 3 meals we received out of 6 different options. We chose Melty Monterry Jack Burgers, Ginger Beef Stir Fry and Fiesty Shrimp Linguine. They were all super yummy and very different from one another. My favorite was probably the ginger beef stir fry. What I love about the meal options is that they are always different and they are suppose to be healthier for you. I am not always great at making very different meals, I have my staples I make each week, so getting to add these to the mix book was nice and fun to explore different things. 

I love how easy Hello Fresh makes it when you receive a box each meal is organized in its own box with all the things you will need for that recipe. There presentation is amazing and I love that. They also come with the recipe card and directions on the back exactly how to make it. (This is everything!!) It was super fun to do this in the kitchen with Trevor. Now, this is the only subscription box I have tried, my mom did Blue Apron and loved that. The only thing I noticed when I was unpacking it with her was that each meal wasn’t boxed out separately, which is one thing I liked about Hello Fresh better, but my mom said the meals were delicious and fun to make! I would love to explore a few other options to see which is my favorite, right now Hello Fresh is high up there. 

I don’t think I would do hello Fresh or any subscription every single week, that would add up in price. A typical meal for 2 people is $20 so it would be $60 a week for 3 meals for 2 people. However, I think it would be fun to do it 1 time a month, to experience different foods, cook in the kitchen with my hubby and just to try something new. (When you sign up just make sure you go ahead to the future weeks and PAUSE th meal so they don’t just charge you and send you 3 meals 😉 ) My first box was $30 or 3 meals, I had received a coupon code and it was definitely worth it! Now, I know what it is like and would do it again for sure! It is also SO convenient. Knowing I had 3 meals we could eat at any time make it so less stressful. I really do enjoying cooking just deciding what to make is hard for me and trying to be creative and do new things is hard. Hello Fresh made it so easy and fun! I would definitely recommend this to try and and maybe add to your monthly budget whether you do it once a month or once every other month or maybe you will love it and do it every other week 🙂 

Because I signed up they sent me a code for any one who wants to try it for $40 off their first week of meals! So you could get your first 3 meals for $20 if you are interested here is the link here 🙂 Feel free to email me with any questions and let me know what you think!! Hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!


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