Weekend Wrap up


Mar 27, 2017

Wedding Weekend 

My dear friend, Tayler married the love of her life on Sunday, Tyler! It was a glorious weekend. Friday, Tayler and I headed down to meet up with Eva with Eco Flora to go over all the florals. Wow were they amazing!!! Saturday we finished up with decorative things and then the rehearsal was that evening. 

Sunday was the wedding!!! Not only did I have the privilege to be a bridesmaid in the wedding and stand up with Tayler as she said I do, but we also photographed their day!!! Big thanks to Trevor for stepping up big time and taking over!! It was such a fun day. There was a 90% chance of rain, and thankful the Lord cleared the skies and it we were able to get all the portraits done outside before rain. The sun even wanted to sneak out. It was perfect. They shared the sweetest first look. It was amazing to capture. Tyler adores Tayler and it is so evident in every photo. I am dying to share this wedding on the blog!! CANNOT WAIT! Be on the look out this week!!! here are some fun behind the scenes and a few sneak peeks of their day!!! Congrats to Tayler & Tyler!

ALSO!! Spring mini info has been posted, the last photo below if you are interested. I have a couple spots open. Feel free to email me if you are! Happy Monday friends!!!! House update coming to the blog tomorrow 🙂 


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