New Addition to the 1900 Bowman Home


Mar 28, 2017

 It has been a little quiet over here lately, as you might have noticed. We are enjoying this slower season with our business. However, Trevor started working full time on his family’s farm earlier this year and we have been working countless hours on the house! We actually broke ground this last week on our mud room addition to the back of the house and we are SO excited to add this extra room. It will make a big difference with our space and I couldn’t be more excited. Along with our little house addition, we also found out earlier this year we will be adding a little baby to the family the end of September!!! Yes, that is right!! 


Eeek! My future office we were planning has now become our Baby Nursery! This is the most exciting change to our future home. It still doesn’t feel real but we couldn’t be more excited for this new addition! We are now 14 weeks and got to hear the little heart beat again yesterday and it was amazing. We saw the baby wiggling around back at 10 weeks and it was so surreal. I have learned that morning sickness (aka all day sickness) is a real thing. I have had it since the beginning and over the last week it just stared to subside a little but still hanging around in the morning and some evenings but it is all worth it. This is also why things have been extra slow over here  and I tend to be laying around an awful lot with Remi (if you watch my insta stories haha). We will be finding out what we are having at our 19 week check up in May and we can’t wait. Then to nursery dreaming and to start buying baby clothes, all the heart eyes. We loved sharing the news with our family and seeing their excitement back in February. I will never forget those moments. We are so thankful the Lord has given us this gift to be parents and to start this new adventure together. 

SO. back to the house, haha! The big question, will we be moved in before the baby comes?! Haha well, we hope so! We are getting closer each day. Dry wall is going up soon and we will be finishing up plumbing as well over the next few weeks. Once that is all done it will be just all the finishes. So hopefully yes we will be in the house sometime over the summer. We will see how things move over the next month or so. It is a working progress but we are excited for what it will be like when it is done. 

So here’s to a new adventure Trevor and I are starting. We are both thrilled and we think Remi is excited too. Please keep us in your prayers and for a healthy baby. We will keep you updated as we move along this journey to being parents. 

 Big thanks to my sister in law, Hannah for taking these photos for us!! <3 

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