Allison | Mentoring

education, mentoring

May 18, 2017

Mentoring one on one

Sweet Allison came up down to mentor from Cleveland, back in April. We had so much fun diving into her business and seeing where she could make changes and really start taking her business to the next level. I just received an email from Allison the other day saying she has booked 3 more weddings for 2018 and I couldn’t be more excited for her!!! I love hearing of my past mentors who are thriving and loving what they are doing. We had a blast shooting in town however, we had the windiest day ever!!! Allison was a total trooper. We had a lot of great laughs but I think we still got some great headshots even with some blowing hair. 

Thank you Allison for coming down! I cant wait to see where your business takes you over the next year. Enjoy some of my favorites head shots! 


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