A Summer Cactus Baby Shower


Jul 19, 2017

This past weekend my sweet sweet sisters and momma through us the most adorable baby shower ever for our sweet baby girl coming this September!!! It was so much fun celebrating this lil babe and the excitement that is coming this fall. My sisters and momma outdid themselves so thank you guys so so much!! It couldn’t have been a more beautiful and fun day! Shannon, is the ultimate baker so the dessert table was absolutely delicious, there wasn’t much of anything left after the shower, I think that says something!! 

Thank you to all the wonderful people who came out. My parents house was packed out with 45 people! It was so fun to see friends, women that rocked me in the nursery who our now big influences in my life and role models. I am truly grateful for each of you!! Big thanks to my in laws who also made the trip down to celebrate baby bowman. She is so loved and spoiled already!!! 

We are truly blessed by each of you who have sent messages, texts, gifts, encouragement as we start this new journey this fall! I couldn’t be more thankful for this next season of life. 

Here is a quick update on Baby Bowman 🙂 I am officially 30 weeks pregnant!!! How crazy is that!! We only have 10 weeks left before we get to meet her! It is coming so so quickly. I haven’t done a great job of blogging about pregnancy, its been a busy summer to say the least. I am thankful for my promptly journey were I have been writing things down. Weeks 5-20 were the hardest for me. I had my fair share of morning sickness and fatigue. Then a UTI turning into a Kidney infection during weeks 17-20. I still enjoyed pregnancy during this time but once I hit that 20 week mark I have felt so so good! I would tell people I am like a new person! I finally felt myself again and had energy. The last 10 weeks have flown by, literally. I am like HOW AM I 30 WEEKS! The bump started really really showing around 23 weeks and I was feeling her move and kick all over by 24weeks and it hasn’t stopped since. I love it. Sometimes I just go lay down in my bed to see her move and feel her kicks or when I am sitting at my desk and editing and she start kicking I just stop to soak it all in. I truly truly love her movements. As she is getting bigger I am feeling her little limbs and such. she kicks back if I push on something. It is so fun! This week was the first week I felt her hiccups. I woke Trevor up to feel them. It was so amazing. I had this app to hear the heartbeat, which I never did use because it didn’t work, but I put it to where the hiccups were and you could hear them. I sent them to my mom and sisters and they loved it. Pregnancy is a pretty incredible thing and I couldn’t be more thankful for it. I am excited to see how the next 10 weeks goes! Getting up from laying down is getting harder, I breathe pretty heavy at times (ask Trevor ;)) and I am pretty hungry all the time.

And to answer The biggest question we get right now, is the house gonna be ready?! haha, I havent done a house update in forever! I think this week is the week to share some updated work because friends, its looking like a house again!!! The drywall is just about all up and being finished!! this is SO exciting! To answer the question above, we truly aren’t sure if we will be in before the babe comes. We would love too. Trevor is working so so hard on it, but we know babes come when they want so we will see! If we are in before the babe, I think it would be right before the babe comes. So middle to end of September. Again it would still have things to be done in it but it would be livable 🙂 Are house projects ever truly done?? haha But I will share a house update so you can see the progress. We are hoping to start painting in the next couple weeks and finish the floors. This is a exciting next step. We are finally getting close to see the finishes come to life! So be on the look out for the next blog 😉 

There’s a quick update on the babe and our home! Again, we are so thankful for all of you who follow along!! We are so excited for what is to come. Enjoy some photos from the baby shower this past weekend. Thanks again to Morgan, Shannon and my Sweet momma who through the sweetest shower for us!!!! We love you!!!


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