Hello August


Aug 2, 2017

Hi Friends!!! Wow it has been a couple weeks over here since I have blogged. I haven’t taken a break from blogging in a while, but I was on family vacation all of last week and got home Sunday night. Somehow it is already WEDNESDAY of this week and I haven’t gotten to the blog! My hubby is off from work this week and we have been over at the house working away. Mostly him working and I am keeping him hydrated and helping where I can. Sometimes its nice to take a break from the daily grind and I have really enjoyed relaxing and taking a little break from work over the last week. I am catching up on emails and sending out some wedding boxes this week, before getting back into the grind of shooting and editing starting this weekend. Which I am so excited for!! I love little breaks, it rejuvenates you and gets you excited to start up again. Friday, I will be sharing our vacation wrap up in Hilton head. So you wont want to miss that! I also realized I NEVER shared our Babymoon/anniversary trip back from APRIL to Amsterdam with you all!! Oh that trip was a dream! That will be coming to you next week!! I have been slacking with our travel blogs this year but that is a trip I don’t want to forget. 

WELL! Somehow Its August and that means the baby is coming by next month!! How crazy is that?! We cannot wait!! I am officially 32 weeks pregnant this week with our baby girl. It has been flying by and I am trying to soak it all up, but we truly cant wait to meet her. Since the lil babe will be here in around 8 weeks or so, that means I am finishing up shooting by mid September to prepare for her arrival. I am pretty much booked before she arrives minus a few 2018 engagement shoots I have space for. So if you are thinking fall photos, please email me as soon as possible. August is completely booked full but I can possibly add a couple dates in September just depending on her arrival 😉 I will be back to shooting in November, but not full time just a few shoots here and there. I will be holding Christmas Minis Lord willing but that date will not be released until October. As of now, IF I do fall minis they will be in September and that date will not be released until the very end of August because I want to make sure I will still be able to do them. Babies can be unpredictable 😉 

We are excited to be booking photo weddings for 2018 already!! I cant wait for the weddings we have and super excited for the couples we still have yet to meet. We are still shooting weddings for 2018. I know some wonder since we are having a baby if we will still take on weddings. I love weddings and they are still the center of our business so YES we cant wait for 2018 weddings. 

Well there is a little life update. My hubby is our fishing today and I am catching up on some work. Tomorrow I am officially sharing a house update!! YAY! Here’s to a happy Wednesday!!!! 

Friends the weekend is almost here 😉 keep on pushing through!!!


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