Baby Bowman Maternity Photos

Blog, Personal

Aug 16, 2017

Maternity Photos by Ashley West Photography 

Can hardly believe I am sharing OUR maternity photos! I am truly loving this season of life. I can hardly wait to meet our little girl the end of September. Big thanks to our sweet friend, Ashley with Ashely West Photography, who came up to our little town for these photos, as she herself is also pregnant!! We are 4 weeks a part and it has been the best constantly checking in on each other and talking about what life is like growing a babe. I am so thankful for you Ashley! I love these photos and will cherish them forever. We started in our small town and ended out in the country at one of our favorite spots. I was 32 weeks pregnant for these, cant believe how big your belly gets through pregnancy. It truly is an incredibly gift from the Lord. 

We hit 34 weeks this week and my goodness, each day we are getting closer and its getting more real we are about to bring home a babe!! How crazy is that. I love feeling her kick and move all over. She is definitely taking up the space she needs 😉 I am hoping to really enjoy these last few weeks. We have been busy painting the house and trying to get it as far as we can before she arrives. It has been a busy but fun season of life. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 

Enjoy from some of my favorites from our session with Ashley. We love them!!! Happy Thursday!


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