Weekend Wrap Up


Aug 21, 2017

It is so crazy how August is literally half way over!!! We had another busy weekend. My Dr. told me today I need to be slowing down and resting. But HOW!? Its a busy season of life prepping for this babe. Oh we couldn’t  be more excited. I am going to start slowing down though. I am thankful for all that has been going on. 

Trev has worked countless hours on this home of ours. It is coming together and its going to be so beautiful and everything we hoped for. The house is all primed and downstairs is painted! Just have the upstairs that needs it. We took a break of painting to start on the floors. That was Trev’s weekend. Thanks to his sister Brenna for coming up and for helping him strip floors and figure out a solution to these OLD old floors. Half the downstairs are stripped and sanded. The upstairs floors are totally different and a whole other project. This house has sure given us a run for our money, but Trev has been enjoying he task. He is be able to fix just about anything at this point 😉 Our kitchen will be in in a few weeks and I cant wait to see it all come together. While Trev’s working away at the house, I have started slowing organizing our apartment. Gearing it up for a move and for our babies arrival. My sweet mom came up last week to help me organize all our baby stuff and half pack my office, we are going to tackle a room each week, so when we are ready to move or when the babe decides to come we are some what prepared. Big thanks to my mom for all her hard work here!! I can walk in my office and not feel overwhelmed. 🙂 

While Trev worked away on the house, I had a wedding to photograph on Saturday, out in Eaton Ohio. Thanks to Nicole for shooting with me!! She was a wonderful 2nd shooter. We had a beautiful wedding day to photograph and the sweetest couple. Lots of tears throughout the day and so much joy! I truly love my job. Enjoy the sneak peeks below. I even survived shooting a wedding at 34 weeks pregnant and not feeling to bad!! thanks to Trev who packed me the biggest cooler of waters and fruit. We have 1 more wedding before the babe in 2 weeks. I have a good amount of shoots left as well. The 1st two week son August were BUSY, 12 shoots in 2 weeks. SO I am up to my eyes in editing. But so thankful to be getting these all in before the babe comes. I am 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow! Crazy to think. It has flown by!!! Sharing more on the blog tomorrow about our 2nd baby shower and how 35 weeks feels 🙂 

Oh, and REMI.. poor thing, she stepped back in a cloth of paint stripper with her paw… She was HOT mess for a while, but we cleaned it out. Thanks to dish soap, vegetable oil, rubbing alcohol and grammy for wrapping it 😉 She was a trooper. That stuff burns like crazy and must have burned her paw pretty bad. she was crazy for a while. you can see the pic below of her foot wrapped. I was drying she is SO skinny and all that fur makes her look big. She is doing good now! 🙂 

Off to work away the day! Maybe take a break to check out the eclipse. Happy Monday friends!


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