7 Highlights of 2017


Jan 8, 2018

Wow! How is it already January 8, 2018!!!! I feel like the last year flew by. It feels like yesterday we found out we were pregnant (which was almost a year ago on the 17th of January) and now we have a 3 month old, that we love more then words can describe! I think 2017 was one of our favorite years yet! Amongst the craziness that life brings and the greatest joys, it was a year to remember and a year i will never forget. We learned a lot especially preparing to be parents and fixing up a house, challenged in our personal lives to be more like Jesus daily, enjoyed loving the most amazing thing life has brought us, sweet Willow and continued to grow this business. 

I am excited for what 2018 will bring! I know there will be highs and their will lows. I am thankful that Jesus’s mercies are new everyday. My hope for this year is to be present in each moment, be in the Word, spend time growing this business, depend relationships, love those near to us well, and strive to be better momma & wife every day. It will be a fun year of learning new things and such as running a business with a baby and being a momma. But I cant wait! 

As for what KariMe will look like this year! I am excited to be shooting again and mentoring!! I have shoots booked and mentoring sessions lined up. I am truly excited to dive back into business. I am still booking wedding for 2018 as well and I am super excited for each couple we have already! As far as blogging, I hope to get back into it. My goal this year is to blog each week wether it is 1, 2, or 3 post. I hope to at least have a personal post (about willow, being a momma, our home, etc.) and a business post (wedding, portraits, engagement, educational) Shoot me an email if you are interested in any certain topics for either! It will be a year of learning of running a business and being a momma. I will be giving myself lots of Grace 🙂 

Well, I want to take a moment to look back over 2017! I did this in 2016 and loved looking back over it. It is crazy how things change in a year. I spent 9 months of this year pregnant and sick for half of that with morning sickness, haha. Then the remainder of the year snuggling our babe and learning all about her.

It truly was the best year yet! Here are my top 7 for 2017! 

1. Finding out we were pregnant!!! This was such a great day! I took our first test January 17, 2017. It was early in the morning, before sending Trevor off to a ski trip for a week! I had a feeling but was in denial. I finally took a test and it was positive. I about freaked out and laughed all at the same time. I walked out of the bathroom and said “babe, I am pregnant” and Trevor looked up as he walked into the Kitchen and yelled “WHAT! WE ARE!” It was a moment of shock and excited for both of us. I couldn’t believe it. 3 test later I finally believed i was pregnant. I dropped Trev off at the airport and kept the secret from my family as I stayed with them THE WHOLE WEEK. We were not expecting this day to happen so early in the year, but we sure were thankful!!!! We LOVED telling our families. It truly was the best way to start the year! I LOVED carrying this babe all year! SO many bump photos. and sh… don’t tell, but i do miss that bump!!!! 

2. Willow Grace Bowman being born. September 23, 2017. Our new favorite day of the year! I will relieve this day forever. It all felt like a dream getting to meet our girl and having so many of our family meet her. Oh I loved these first days. I couldn’t be more grateful for our sweet little girl. We are SO incredibly in love. Being a momma is one of my favorite things in the world. Willow girl, you are my favorite thing in the world. I love you so much! 


3. Traveling to Amsterdam seeing ed Sheehan in concert with trev to celebrate 3 years of marriage, his 30 birthday and a baby moon! Our big trip this year!!! Once we found out we were pregnant, we knew life would be changing. We wanted to sneak in a trip and i am SO grateful for this last minute trip! I haven’t gotten round to blogging it yet, I promise to soon!!! I loved the Netherlands. It was truly a gorgeous place. I will never forget this trip. I was 14 weeks pregnant with Willow <3 I loved this week with Trevor. I cant wait to travel as a family of 3 now!!

4. Trevor farming full time!! This was a big change for 2017!!! Trevor’s family has farmed for YEARS. and This year Trevor made the jump to start farming full time with his Dad. It was such a special year! I am officially a Farmers Wife and I couldn’t love it more!!! 🙂 Can’t wait to take willow on some tractor and combine rides!!! With that being said, we no longer offer wedding videography. He has stepped back from that to focus on farming and the business that brings! I love life on the farm. Hope to share more of this on the blog this year!!!! 

5. Being pregnant with my sister Shannon!!! It was her 5th baby and my 1st baby!!! it was such a fun surprise finding out about their surprise pregnancy!! Now Duke & Willow are 10 weeks apart!!! It was such a special time to be pregnant together. I ALSO go to be pregnant with my sister in law, Hannah as well!!! We got to carry our babies girls together and they are just 8 weeks apart. Ella & Willow will sure be besties!!! It truly was a blessing!!! Cant wait to raise them together.  In additional to be pregnant with my sister and sister in a law. Two of my dear friends where also pregnant, Ashley & Liz. I loved our constant conversations during pregnancy and our baby bump photos. Now we get to all raise our babies together and learn about being mommas!! so thankful! 


6. Shooting 13 beautiful weddings and tons of portraits sessions!!! Even though it was a year mostly about Willow, I still shot lots!! We stayed very busy. I am so thankful for a wonderful year for KariMe Photography. truly blessed to have the best job!!! I couldn’t be more grateful for each of these couples below and all my portraits clients. THANK YOU!!!!! 


7. Moving into our new home and having our first christmas as a family of 3! Oh We have waited for this day for a long time!!! 1.5 years later we officially MOVED into our fixer upper!!!!! the 1900 bowman home!!! We moved in the week of thanksgiving. SO thankful to have been able to spend the holidays in our home. Loved the memories we are making here. 

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