Willow | 3 Months

Blog, Personal

Jan 12, 2018

3 Months Old

I am just a little behind on these blogs.. OOPS! Willow is now less then 2 weeks from being 4 months old. Oh man hand me a tissue, I cannot believe how fast she is growing. But for today, I am sharing all about Will’s 3 months!!! This was such a fun month with her. Her personality is starting to really shine and she has the sweetest little demeanor about her. We are SO in love with her. She teaches me something knew everyday. Whether that is patience, being joyful no matter what, unconditional love, how to be a better momma or wife. She truly is the worlds biggest blessing in our lives. I cannot remember life without her. She is still the sweetest little thing. She is sleeping 7-10 hour chunks at night and eating like a champ still. This time of year was extra special with her with the Holidays. We moved the week of her turning 3 months, so her whole 3 months we lived in our new house!! She loves it here i think 🙂 She adapted just perfectly and we finally got her nursery mostly set up! Still hard for me to believe she is ours. We hear all the time that she looks like a combo baby! We cant decide who she looks more like. I see a lot of her daddy in her but some say they see me as well. Who knows, she is the cuteness to us!! So these photos are from Nov 23 – December 23. So I will be sharing Christmas at the next blog 😉 We love you Willow Grace!!! Here are the highlights of 3 months and some of her new favorite things!! 

|| 3 Month Highlights ||

-We had our first thanksgiving today!!! We celebrated with all my mom’s side and stayed at Auntie Momo & Uncle Michael’s house. She was a champ!! We then spent the next day at Trev’s parents celebrating. I love having her around for the holidays 🙂

-Her baby cousin Duke arrived on December 1st!!!!! Oh this was an exciting day!! Duke and her are 10 weeks apart and now about the same size haha It is too funny. I loved being pregnant with my sis. Now we get to raise our babes together!!!

-We got to take Willow to get a real christmas tree! And she got her 1st ornament 🙂 oh and Christmas PJ’S!! Needless to say the BEST December. 

-We had our first big snow of the year and Willow got to wear her bear suit in it 🙂

– We took her through the fantasy of lights here in Upper Sandusky with her cousins. 

-Our dear friends Liz & Mason came up to visit us. We exchanged Christmas photos and finally got to meet their baby boy WILL!!! Willow & Will are just 1 week apart. Loved spending the day with them!!! 

-Remi is become more and more in love with Willow. Willow now notices Remi and its the sweetest thing. 

-We had a cookie baking day with my sister’s and momma up at our house. Willow loved spending time with her Aunties & grandma!! 

-Willow is stills sleeping and eating great. We are truly thankful! She likes to sleep in like her momma and snuggle in the mornings. This is my favorite <3 I hope she is always snuggling. I know she wont be, so I am soaking them in as much as I can!!! I never want her to  grow up 🙁 waah!! 

-Bath time is her absolute favorite. She gets one each night before bed! 🙂 

-She loves when people talk to her. She will smile ear to ear if you do as well! Its the best. 

-She found her hands this month as well. If her paci isnt in her mouth her hands are. She wants to chew and suck on anything she can get her hands on. We introduced Sophie to her and she LOVES her. It is the sweetest thing. We love watching her grab things to put in her mouth. 

-I feel like this month she really knows who we are even more. I love that she knows us when we walk in the room and she sees us. It melts my heart. 

-Her grandma knitted her a blanket. We got it this month and we are SO in love with it! Thank you Grammy!!

-She took her first nap in her Crib! Big news!! She is still in her swaddleme in the rock n play. I am so nervous to transition her because she is sleeping so well, but I know that day is coming. Slowly trying it out with naps. eek! Doesnt always work, but thats is okay 🙂 

-Love watching her sit Trevor and talk to him. They have the best evening chats. 

-I love being her momma more and more each day! She is the highlight of my day every day! 

|| Willow’s Favorite things ||

-She still loves her Paci, even more 🙂 

-Her hands are her new favorite thing. 

-She loves her little rattles and Sophie Toy! 

-She loves talking to us. She really found her voice this month. Its so so sweet. 

Willow we love you! Each month turns into my favorite month. I love learning more and more about her every day! I get sad know how fast she is growing but I am loving each stage. Truly just trying to soak in her as much as I can. Even if the means I hold you for naps or snuggle you in the mornings. Willow Grace, you are our favorite. We love you so much!!!

Enjoy her 3 month photos!!! Love all the snow we got!!! Christmas will be on Month 4th!! Happy 3 month Willow!


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