Willow | 4 Months


Jan 29, 2018

4 months with Willow

What another fun month! Each month is my new favorite that is for sure. I seriously love this girl so much! Everyone says it goes so fast and I know it was true, but my goodness it goes faster then I could have imagined. Last night, I sat scrolling through all my iPhone photos of Willow and back do our days in the hospital. What a dream. I loved that whole experience of delivery her and her being here. Crazy I know. It sure wasn’t easy or pain free, but it was so incredibly worth it. Im so thankful for the thousand of photos I have taken of her. She changes a little every day! Trev and I always say she makes us want more, but don’t worry we are gonna wait a little bit 🙂  She is spoiling us so much! we love you Willow!! 

I feel like between month 3-4 so much changes. She is totally out of the newborn stage of being fragile, limp noodle like or sleeping ALL day long haha and more of a little babe now. She is aware of everything around her. She has fallen into her own little routine and I am love spending every day with her. We are learning more and more about each other. I pray we are best friends forever 😉 I never want to forget anything about these days. These photos are from December 23-January 23rd 🙂 so you get a little bit of christmas and all! 🙂 

-Highlights & Willow’s Favorite things-

– We had our first christmas as a family of 3 in our new home!!! Such a highlight! Have dreamed of this day for so long and it did not disappoint. So thankful for Trevor and Willow and of course remi 😉

– We celebrated christmas eve with my family in columbus in our matching pjs! Willow was so spoiled by her aunties & uncles and of course Grandma & Grandpa

– Spent christmas morning at home and then off to Trevor’s parents house for the afternoon and evening! Again so spoiled!!! she was a champ through the christmas celebrations. We are so thankful she likes to go with the wind still 🙂 

– We went on our first family vacation!! 12+ hours in the car. And Willow did AMAZING. I think she did better then Trevor and I for sure. She was so good down and back. We loved spending time in Hilton Head with my family! We even got snowed in, which is so crazy for the South. They literally closed down everything!

– Willow took her first swim in the pool in her first bathing suit from Grandma <3 She wasn’t a huge fan but she sure looked adorable!!! 

– Her uncle Michael built her a new wooden play gym and it looks adorable in her room!! 

– Big milestone!! Willow started rolling!!! first it was belly to back but now its back to belly!!! I cant lay her down anywhere now! She rolls over in second. It’s too cute! changing her diaper just got all sorts of fun too 😉 

– She loves to spit and make raspberries with her mouth. all day long 🙂 Its hilarious. I love waking up to that. 

– Her favorite thing is when people talk to her . She loves to smile at them! 

– She is dying to sit up! She loves her highchair, ingenuity seat, and her new bouncer toy from my parents! She is so sturdy and looking so big these days 🙁 She loves her toys and stuff animals. 

– She still sleeping pretty well and eating well! She had rough a couple longer night leading up to her 4 months but she is so so good still! She loves her bath, nurse and swaddle sac, bedtime routine 🙂 Still sleeping in her rock n play with a few naps in her crib. Working on that transition this month. Eeek!! 

– Pretty sure she is teething as well. EVERYTHING goes in the mouth. She loves chewing things and the slobber is starting. 

– Still the happiest little babe with not much hair! 😉 But We love you so much Willow Grace!!!! 


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