The best of 2017


Jan 17, 2018

Best of 2017 Weddings

2017 was such a great year!!! I am truly thankful for each couple we had the opportunity to capture. We photographed 13 weddings and filmed 4 weddings. (Trev, only took 4 weddings this year because of Farming and has stepped down from wedding video as of now.) Big thanks to each of my couples, I was pregnant for 11 of these weddings and then the last 2 weddings I had a 6 & 8 week old babe. All my brides were just gems!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!  It truly was a sweet year getting to carry our baby girl to each of these weddings. I even got to be a bridesmaid/photographer at my dear friends wedding! I am truly thankful for each year and the opportunity to meet new people and invest in their lives. I loved going back through each wedding and picking favorites. This blog is FULL of favorites. sorry its so long 😉 but you will want to keep scrolling!!! 

Thank you each couple for trusting us with your day!! thanks to my hubby & sister for shooting with me. I am excited for 2018 wedding season. I still have dates available so be sure to reach out!! here’s to 2017!!! 


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