Willow | 5 months


Mar 15, 2018

5 Months with Sweet Willow

Well. Better late then never right?! I even had these photos edited and ready to go. Haha, I guess the days have gotten away from me!! But I want to keep up and remember all the things about this sweet girl. She is 5.5months now and will be 6 months in just a little over a week! I can hardly believe it. The past 5 months have been the best months of our lives. We truly love being parents to this sweet little girl. And truthfully learning to be parents! This girl brightens up our days with her big smiles and laughs. She goes everywhere with us and is a very happy baby. We couldn’t be more thankful for her. Remi is loving her and waiting for the day she will play with her. She is still on the tiny side. She is wearing mostly 0-3 and had started some 3-6 clothing. She loves her momma and her daddy for sure! I know in time she will become a daddy’s girl 😉 

-Highlights & Willow’s Favorite things-

-She started really laughing this month! It is the best sound in the world. I love tickling her and getting her to giggle. Her little personality is shining through. 

-She is still so happy and content. She loves talking to people and when people talk to her. She is definitely on the out going side.

-Even though she is outgoing and loves people it may take her a second in a big group. She likes to be in momma’s arms until she warms up. Which I am okay with 🙂 

-Willow found her TOES!! I had been waiting and waiting for this. For someone reason this is a favorite thing of mine. But i love when she grabs her littles toes and sucks on them. 

-She is LOUD. Like all the time, haha! I love it. 

-Remi and her are BFF’S. She has noticed Remi, and stared pulling on her hair and letting her lick her hands. haha Remi’s so good with her, minus the licking ALL the time. But atleast she likes her. 

-Her bouncing seat is her favorite. She loves sitting in that every day and playing with her toys. She is dying to sit up and get moving. 

-Her nick names are, Will, Willie, Munch, Munchkin, baby, sweet girl. 

-She is great at scratching her face and my face or anyone holding her. 🙂 She uses those hands to pull everything and grab at everything! 

-Loved having out first valentines with her. We made as sweet valentine for daddy and her grandma’s with her feet. Never thought I’d love all the little baby crafts, but I sure do!!! 

-We traveled to Charleston right before she hit 5 months. Another 12+ hour car ride and she KILLED it. Seriously a good little traveler in the car. SO thankful!!! We LOVED visiting and staying with our cousins there. They watched willow while we went to a wedding. 

-This girl, LOVES to have her blowouts in the carseat on car rides… Her biggest blow out to date was on our way to Cincinnati looking at trucks with her daddy. Too funny. 

-She is getting ready to start eating real food. She loves sitting in her bumbo and watching us eat. She is moms little helper in the kitchen.

-She did regress in her sleeping, This girl misses her mom in the night (thats what I keep telling myself anyway) I sure do love the snuggles. She has good and rougher nights, but we take what we get still going down to sleep great and when she does wake up at night its not for long!! So thankful for that!!! She is still a good sleeper overall! 

-She is sleeping in her own room!! Not in her crib yet, but atleast she is in her own room. BABY STEPS 🙂 She also has her hands totally out when she is sleeping. She is a rolling queen. 

-She is still growing a little more hair! but basically bald and cute:) 

-She still loves her momma and daddy the most <3 She is truly the best! 

We love you Willow Grace. 


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