Snap & Gather


Feb 18, 2016


Gathering with other Creatives

This past Monday, I attended Snap & Gather and it was a blast. Two sweet ladies started this idea this past fall, Liz & Susie. They wanted to create an atmosphere for others to enjoy and to build relationships with one another. Everyone helps put together a pretty table and brings little cute foods to share with others. Then we eat together and build relationships. I loved getting to know each other better and spending time talking about business and our personal lives. This was a little extra special gathering, we also has the very talented Taylor form Inkwell & Co. come and do a beginners calligraphy class. AHH! It was SO fun. I have a lot of practicing to do but I am excited to put my new pens to use and the tips I learned. Sooner or later I will be able to write some fancy words (hopefully).  Overall it was an absolute fun day with one another. A huge thanks to Adria from State & Arrow for the beautiful florals and to Inkwell & Co. for the pretty name cards and amazing calligraphy class. Also to Liz & Susie for coordinating it all. 

Here are some pretty little details <3 


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