The 1900 Bowman Home | Update


Aug 3, 2017


SO. To say the least a LOT has been happening at the house. It may not look like it from the outside 😉 But I do promise we are making head way!! YAYA! Over the last couple of months, Trevor has insulated the entire house and hung drywall everywhere!!!! Talk about amazing and a handy man! He has also run all our water lines before finishing up the drywall. On top of spending his extra time here, he has been working at the farm full time and shooting/editing wedding films. Not sure when he sleeps, but he sure is amazing and I couldn’t be MORE thankful of him! I am not much help these days as the belly gets bigger and bigger but I try to help where I can. Especially bringing him drinks and food 😉 

We had someone finishing the drywall and they are finishing it all up THIS week!!! YAY! That means the next steps in our house will be finishing the window boxes, which Trev’s been working all week and then sanding the floors and priming and painting the house!!! We also have someone tiling the bathrooms for us! SO We are getting closer and closer!!! It has been a long journey but we know it will all be worth it at the end. The big question we get form everyone is “will you be in by the baby” haha we don’t know, we would love to be in and we are trying to get as much done over the next 8 weeks, but the baby will come when she wants and we will just see where we are at 🙂  If we are in, it’ll be super super close! Either way we will be living here soon. 🙂 Enjoy some photos below as this place has truly been transformed and pictures really don’t do it justice!!! I will update soon when its ALL cleaned out and ready to paint and do the floors!!!



What the exterior of our house as changed over the last few months. Our contractor will be back in the next week or so building a deck, putting on new siding and a roof! 🙂 

when the addition was in progress that we added in April to the back of our house. This is a mud room, with a laundry room and a half bath.

When Trevor was installing the drywall before it had stared the mudding process to finish it. 

The day before I left for vacation and he completely finished the drywall the next day and lots of mudding has been going on to finish it. This is the whole next set of photos 🙂 

This photo below is when you walk in the back door of the mud room looking through the kitchen, dining room to the front door. 

future laundry room

left: future half bath. Right side: standing in the kitchen looking into the mudroom

Our kitchen from the mudroom

I cant wait to see our cabinets and sink in here!! Sink under the windows 🙂 

Other side of the Kitchen where the fridge, coffee bar and pantry are 

future dining room

dining room looking at the kitchen 

standing in the dining room looking at the living room

living room ((now the drywall is all done))

sitting in the living room looking toward the kitchen. favorite view 🙂 

office space on the first floor off of the living room.

headed upstairs! 

Hallway left and right

our back guest room

baby nursery 🙂 cant wait to decorate this space

master bedroom!!!! 

on the right: hall to the master closet and bathroom. 


master bathroom

walking out of the bathroom to the master bedroom. 

One bathroom not shown, there was no lights haha But the guest bathroom is off the hallway upstairs!! 

and below are some fun iPhone photos. 

The end. 

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