Stephanie & Michael
Michael & Stephanie shared the sweetest first look. You can see the joy in their eyes and the love they share. This day was long awaited. They beamed the whole day and nothing could have taken that away.
Mary & Nick
FEATURED engagement
When we first met in Panera, Mary and I hit it off immediately, I knew she would be a perfect KariMeBride. I was so excited when I heard back that they wanted to move forward with booking and we schedule their engagement shoot!
The Warnock's
We had so much fun walking through the town and we ended our time at the ice cream shop! What could be better then that?! I always love when shoots turn into more lifestyle.
Willow Grace
FEATURED personal
This girl is a hoot and full of personality. Her facial expressions kill me along with her sweet sweet smiles. I want to bottle all these moments up and never forget this season of life. It is so sweet. Even on the harder days, being her momma is the biggest blessing in the world!
Harpster, Upper Sandusky, Ohio These two could not be more perfect!!! I absolutely LOVED meeting this sweet couple!!! They came up an hour early to their session to just talk about their wedding and get to know one another. It was so so fun! We instantly clicked and were friends. I can’t even wait to […]
Schiller Park, Downtown Columbus Oh! I could not be more excited for this amazing couple!!!! Nathan & Merinda are great friends of mine. I have known Nathan now for about 4 years. He has waited and prayed so patiently for the girl of his dreams. The Lord blessed him with sweet Merinda. She is seriously […]
North Pointe Wedding, Columbus Ohio Parker & Marissa’s beautiful day!!! Loved capturing the two of them on Sunday! They were blessed with a beautiful day! They both graduated college just a couple weeks ago and now they are married and get to start a new journey together. They got married at the North Pointe Center off […]
Peter Island, British Virgin Islands This was literally the most amazing week of our lives!! Well Guess what?! Trevor & I have officially been married 1 month!! It has been the best month that is for sure. Being married to the man of your dreams and seeing him every day is pretty much perfect. Anywhoo! […]
Fuscia & Flowers Ashleigh & Lee’s big day finally arrived!!! We did their engagement shoot last summer on the University of Dayton’s campus. I was so excited as she shared with me about her exciting day. They were married back at the University where they fell in love. Being apart of their day was a […]
The Magnificent Four We had a blast with our 1st house guest!!! Morgan & Michael (My lovely little sister and her fiancé) traveled up from columbus to spend the day with us and get to see Upper Sandusky! We showed them our little grocery shop and the cute little town we live in. Morgan taught […]
Finally a Bowman! It has been an amazing last few weeks!!! I am finally Mrs. Bowman! Trevor and I got married on April 26th. It was an absolutely, picture perfect beautiful day!!! We are beyond blessed for how wonderfully it all came together and all our families hard work. So many people gathered with us […]
Hickory Grove Golf Club 3 days!! 3 days!! 3 days!! I am ALMOST a Bowman! I can’t even believe we are getting married in only 3 days! We are beyond excited and cant even wait. We are ready for the big day and then an amazing honeymoon to enjoy. Spring has finally started to show […]
Easter with the Bowman’s & Ziessler’s! It was my 1st Easter with Trev’s Family! After church, we all went to grandma’s house and enjoyed some delicious ribs from New Regal and some great family time! The weather was picture perfect, so of course we had to take full advantage. Grandma & Grandpa’s property is amazing […]