Building a Garden

Home, Personal

May 15, 2015


We officially have a garden!!! But before I get ahead of myself, this week I just wanted to share some pictures of how we got the garden ready to plant! (next week I’ll share the finished product) We were able to do this on Saturday last week which was amazing!!  We don’t get very many Saturday’s off so it’s always fun when we do and we can do a Saturday project. Thankfully Trevor’s parents used to be big gardeners so his family had a rototiller that we could use and that saved us a ton of work! We made a trip to Lowe’s to pick up some of the tools we needed and then we went to Carmar Gardens, which is a local nursery, to get all of our plants! I’ve could’ve spent hours there (like Trevor could’ve spent hours at Lowes) but I will save that for next week! After we get home, Trevor unloaded the rototiller and we got to work!  First, he ran the tiller through the garden to get everything broken up.  Then we had to pull out all of the big chunks of sod and all the extra grass out.  After that he went over it a few more times to really get it dug up.  Then we added some Miracle Grow garden soil, which may be cheating but hey, we are gonna need all the help we can get!!  After that we raked everything and smoothed it all out and that was it!  We had a perfect bed of soil to plant our garden!  Check back next week and I will show you the finished product with everything planted!  Happy Friday!

This is what it looked like after we were all done!!!

Of course I had to sneak in a picture of Remi!  I think her favorite part of gardening is playing in the sprinkler 😉

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