Weekend in Cbus


Jan 18, 2016


This past weekend was cold and snowy!! But was a lot of fun!

Friday we traveled to Columbus to see my family. My niece Mya turned 6th and she had her big Unicorn birthday party. It was a total blast. We got her these amazing unicorn slippers and the unicorns even light up. haha Mya is so free spirited and lives in her own world. Last year it was flamingos and this year it is unicorns. I love this girl to pieces! Happy Birthday Mya!

Saturday we were suppose to head to Iowa to visit my grandpa again, unfortunately he has gotten sick 🙁 and is becoming very weak. My mom and aunt went out on Sunday to take care of him. Please keep him in her prayers!! Because we didnt end up going we spent the day in Columbus with Morgan & Michael. We worked out in the morning and then had a fun night out at easton and played monopoly. It was a great day! 

Sunday we were back home! Went to church and the spent the day with Trevor’s family. I am so thankful of this weekend with family. 

Hope you all have a fabulous Martin Luther King day! Here is to another work week! 


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