Remi | Australian Labradoodle


Feb 4, 2016


Remi Bear

Not always do I blog about Remi or actually get some decent photos of her. However, she is becoming a MUCH better listener and learning to like the camera I think. Last week I was shooting in our yard with my sister in law and Remi was running around. I called her over and she sat for me. YAY!! I was so excited to snap a couple photos. Her hair is growing back and now we cant see her eyes at all. I think I need to call our groomer soon, but I just LOVE that hair and shag. Anyone else agree?!

We have had this little bear for over a year now and I just love her. She is the biggest snuggler and people lover I know. She has to be right beside someone or sitting on them. Lots of people ask where we got her, she is an australian labradoodle breed. My hubby found a local breeder in columbus. Go to | if you look at all the dog, you will prolly be able to tell which was Remi’s parents. haha They are Blaze is her dad & Aussie L’s Riley is her momma. She looks just like her dad but her moms size. haha! Too funny. 

Enjoy a couple pictures!!


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