First Weekend in February is a Wrap

lifestyle, Personal

Feb 8, 2016


Hello February! 

We are already 1 week into February! How crazy is that?! This year is already flying by. This past weekend was a busy weekend for sure, but was also a blast. I finally was back out shooting and I loved it. It was such a beautiful wedding, the weather was sunny and in the high 40’s. Couldn’t ask for a better weekend in February. 

Friday- we spent the evening with friends! My hubby went to school in the town we live in, so we went to a Friday night basketball game in town where he use to play. It was a blast! He showed me lots of photos of back in the day when he was there. It was a great night! We ended the night with another game of Catan, We actually played 2 times! I lost both. Sad day.

Saturday- I headed to Columbus for the day! I had 5 mini shoots in the morning for 5 sweet couples. We did them down in the North Market area. It was chilly at first but it warmed up and was so nice. It was so fun shooting in a more urban setting for these mini shoots. I loved getting to know each of the couples and catching up with the ones I already knew. It was a great morning. I then traveled up to High banks park and met one of my 2016 couples. We had scheduled to do them in January but the weather was nasty, so thankful we held out for this beautiful afternoon. I loved getting to know them. I can’t wait to share their blog this week!!! Then in the evening Trevor & I attended the Mmore Gala, it was a fundraiser event fun for Multiple Myeloma research. We were invited along with Kyle & Steve from Little Tree studios. Trevor worked with them on a film for the event. It was such an honor to be apart of the evening. Saturday was a full day, but a good day! 

Sunday- We had church in the morning with was great, lunch with friends and headed to Columbus for the evening. My sister in law & brother were having a Super Bowl party and announcing the gender of their baby! It was a fun night. and we found out they are having a BOY!!!! 🙂 Seriously SO fun! We can’t wait to meet him come July. 

Well that was our weekend. Busy and fun! Hope you are getting back in the grind of things this Monday, I know are trying. 


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