Weekend Wrap Up


Dec 27, 2016


Christmas Weekend Fun

How is it that this time of year ALWAYS flies by oh so fast. I love this holiday season from thanksgiving to Christmas to the start of a new year. So much joy and excitement. This past weekend was the best. Being grateful is an understatement. I couldn’t ask for a better family. 

Friday, I met my parents at Polaris to grab my 3 nieces for a sleepover! We started the day off with donuts and it only got better from there. Trev and I had so much fun with them up here. We watched christmas movies, made homemade pizza’s and went to the Upper Lights in town. It was such a fun way to kick off the christmas weekend. We had a big sleep over in our room and kicked Trevor to the 2nd bedroom 😉 I love being an aunt. I think it is one of the best things!  

Saturday morning, it was christmas eve! We packed up the girls, and grabbed coffee & donuts before heading down to Columbus to celebrate with my family. It was such a great day. My mom gifted us each matching pjs and they were amazing!!! Were wore them all day and they were so comfy. I loved getting to spend time with my whole family. They are truly a blessing and I don’t know how else to describe them but that they are amazing. I texted my sisters as Trevor & I headed home late christmas eve night that it was the best christmas yet. It was just an all around fun day and made me sit back and think about thankful we are! 

Sunday, trevor and I woke up together in our little home and had christmas with each other. We slept in late (after trevor woke up at 6am and I made him go back to sleep) we made breakfast together, read the christmas story and exchanged gifts. Trev is an amazing gift giver and always so thoughtful. He printed off some of our favorite photos form Iceland & Italy and framed them so we can make gallery walls in our new house. I was blown away but them. I loved getting to see my work in a frame. We decided to not wait for the new house to hang them since were going to be here a few more months and wanted to enjoy them now, so we hung them up last night. SO in love!! Makes me want to travel more with him. It was the perfect christmas morning with each other. 

We then headed to his parents house and spent the day celebrating Christmas with them all! It was a great day. The kids got the game Pie face, so we all had a blast playing that and some really good laughs too. So thankful for family and what they mean to us!! I couldn’t be more grateful. I love this time of year to reflect and be reminded of what Christ has done for us. 

I am slowly working on getting back to work. I have slowed way down the last 2 weeks and it has truly been the best. We will be spending the majority of our time now in fixing up our new home 🙂 Cant wait to spend christmas there next year!! Hope you all had the best weekend! 



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