Weekend Wrap Up


Apr 25, 2017

Woah! I finally woke up today feeling better and a little more myself 🙂  I have been battling  a pretty bad UTI over the last week and man it took me out. Lots of laying around and trying to get better. Pregnancy has shown many of its faces and even though they aren’t always the prettiest they are ALL worth it as this little baby grows inside of me 🙂 My blog has STRUGGLED this month, well really the last few months since finding out we were pregnant. The tiredness & morning sickness set in strong at the beginning. But I hope to start back into a normal routine here again soon. I am 18 weeks today and I can HARDLY believe we are almost half way through this pregnancy!!!! CRAZY!!! We cannot wait to find out weather it is a he or a she next week. I keep going back and forth of what I think it is, so basically I have no idea. haha but really not matter what it is I cant wait to know 🙂 I hope in the next week or so to share a little pregnancy update thus far, its crazy how fast it has flown by. I really do love this pregnancy journey. 

Besides resting up this weekend to get better, it still has been a little busy over here even though the social media and internet world is quiet. I had two mentoring sessions last week, Thursday & Saturday. Both went so so amazing and i cant wait to share with you their little mentoring wraps ups. With the babes coming we wont be taking on much this fall starting the Middle of September until November, so PLEASE email me if you are interested in mentoring or a portrait shoot sooner then later! I have already been filling my schedule for the year. Outside of the photography things going on, my hubby is farming full time with his family this year. He started in January! This is the start of their busy season as well. Planting planting planting! It has been fun going out and riding with him in the evenings, dinner on the tractor = our perfect little date night. We have seen some beautiful sunsets as well. Oh how I just love this country living 🙂 

Wedding season kicks off in just a few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited! We will be in full swing in just a couple weekends. Our year is obviously looking a little different then years passed with our sweet babe coming in September. So we will be in full swing shooting wedding May-July and 1 in August and early September. Its gonna be a fun summer and I cant wait! 

We are always working away on the house in between all the busyness everywhere else. We, I should say Trev. I am not much help over there these days. But we are in the hanging Drywall face!!! YAYAY! That is one step closer.  The other big project at the house being worked on is the plumbing along with tearing off the front porch to build a new front porch. Lots of things going on and I hope to share a update with pictures soon. 

OH and the best news of all! Tomorrow is Trevor & I’s 3rd wedding anniversary!! I cannot believe it has been 3 years since we got married. It literally feels like yesterday and I cant remember the day so vividly. Oh I am so so grateful to be married to the man of my dreams and to start a family with him this year <3 Don’t worry a sappy post will be coming tomorrow in honor of our wedding day April 26, 2014 🙂

Thats all for this Tuesday. A weekend wrap up turned into a whats going on wrap up in our life. thanks for reading <3



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