Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary!


Apr 26, 2017

Happy 3rd Anniversary Trevor!!

It is so crazy to think it has already been 3 years since our wedding day. It really does fly by like everyone says. I still call ourselves newlyweds and love all the little things that come with that. I spent the morning yesterday looking through our wedding photos and reminiscing our day. It was perfect. I truly loved our wedding day and loved looking back through all the photos. We look SO young!! I loved each moment of this day and all the days that have followed. Being married was always a dream of mine and I love living it each day with Trevor. He truly is the best thing that has happened to me. 

There were so many special things on our wedding day I will never forget. Here are a few of my favorite things to just relive a little. Trevor wrote in a journal throughout our engagement season each day of why he loved me and gave it to me on our wedding day. All the tears.. Yes!! I think combined our favorite part was our 1st look. This was such a sweet moment for just the two of us. I loved getting to spend majority of the wedding day together. I still love my flower halo today as much as I did on my wedding day. When I went to walk down the isle, all my nieces where throwing dimes down the isle instead of rose petals like I had thought was going to happen. This was such a sweet surprise. If you know me or our family and heard our dime story you would understand. But this was such a sweet reminder of the goodness of the Lord and his sovereignty in our lives. I will always be grateful for our dear friends, the Alford’s who brought the dimes and exchanged them with rose petals. Of course I loved the ceremony, I remember being giddy the WHOLE time. We were married by my brother in law Jeff and that will always be super special to us. We had Trevor’s favorite “Mt. Dew” as our drink of choice along with my favorite a “Hot dog bar” for a little appetizer. Still think those were some of the best decisions 😉 There was the most gorgeous sunset ever. And We ended the night with smores. It is a day we will never forget. I will always love our wedding day. Here are a few photos below, You can always check back to my older blogs that share more photos as well, like our first blog ever of our wedding here 🙂 

I am excited for year 3 and all it brings!! The first few years have been amazing. Trevor and I have loved marriage, adventuring together, buying a home, starting new things and now starting a family! We are so excited for the year ahead. We hope to be living in our new home later this year along with bringing a sweet babe into the world in September. We couldn’t be more excited and thankful for the things the Lord has laid before us. Here’s to year 3! I love you babe!!! Thanks for being the best hubby I could have ever dreamed up <3 


Kari & Trevor (recap) from Nathan Wicker on Vimeo.

Photos by: Ashley Walters Photography

Video by: Nathan Wicker 


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