Hello 20 weeks!

Blog, Personal

May 9, 2017

Little Miss Bowman

We are having a GIRL! I can hardly believe we are halfway there! 20 weeks!! so so crazy how fast it has gone. The first 20 weeks have been a whirlwind but I couldn’t be more excited to be growing this little baby inside of me.

Sooo, if you saw my post last week on instagram sharing our exciting news, you also notice I was in the hospital! well. It wasn’t exactly how we planned our day, when we were to find out what we were having! I was hoping to have a fun reveal party or to share with trevor’s family and my family our exciting news in person. Well, after we found out the gender and the anatomy scan of our little girl, who is growing and healthy thank you Jesus! I had my appointment with my OB following the ultrasound. I had mentioned in a previous blog about having a bad UTI but was finally feeling better, well unfortunately, the antibiotic I was taking did not clear it all up and over the weekend, while I was away it started coming back and I ended up in some serious pain. It was not fun at all! So I wasn’t sure what would happen at my appointment, I was simply hoping to go back on the antibiotic to kill the infection yet again. Well she took my blood and my urine sample and sure enough the infection was back but it was worse then before. The bacteria infection had grown and moving to my Kidney, the antibiotic I was originally on was not strong enough to kill it. So she wanted to monitor me for a few hours and put my on an IV and drip antibiotics to see if that would help. Well they did a kidney scan and could see my kidney enlarged and not draining right and the infection was fighting strong, so she ended up admitting me and keeping me over night to watch me closely and keep the antibiotic and fluids in me. They wanted to make sure they got it under control so it didn’t move into my blood or anything. Thankfully it did the trick and I was able to go home the next morning on a 10 day antibiotic. I went back for a check up today and it looks like the infection is cleared up. THANK YOU JESUS! So needless to say, when we found out we were staying in the hospital, I wanted something fun to talk about so it only seemed fitting to share the news with balloons. My sweet hubby went out and got them all and hung them up. We face timed my family since they weren’t close enough to come and then had Trevor’s family come up to the hospital. It ended up being perfect and exciting time.

Thankfully baby girl is growing healthy and strong and I am on the mend with this infection. I am hoping this next 20 weeks brings a little light and the infections and sickness stay away! Please just keep us in your prayers as we continue this adventure to being parents. We are seriously SO excited to meet this little girl this fall. Of course, I had to snag a few baby girl outfits thanks to online shopping 😉 I cant wait to see what she looks like and start planning her nursery 🙂 Thanks to my hubby for snapping a few photos in the hospital and a few iPhone photos of the bump. It is starting to come more and more! haha I have maybe felt a few flutters its so hard to tell, but I cant wait to really start feeling her move. Eeek! Well thats all for now on our little bump. We cant wait to meet you baby Bowman!! 



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