Erica | Mentoring


Apr 25, 2018

Mentoring one on one

One of my favorite parts of my photography business is getting to mentor and help other photographers. My first mentoring in 2018 was with Erica! She is such a joy and I loved spending the day with her. Her husband gifted her a new camera and mentoring session with me for christmas and her birthday. She was overjoyed. I was so excited to have the day helping her learn her new camera and be able to take good photos both indoor and outdoor of her sweet family along with growing her business. 

Thank you Erica for spending the day with me! I hope you were able to take something and apply it in her business along with taking personal photos at home!! Excited to see where her photography takes her!

I am booked for summer and fall mentoring sessions now. I take 1 a month and it is such an honor to drive into your business and help encourage you to the next level. Email me if you are interested! 


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