Stephanie & Michael
Michael & Stephanie shared the sweetest first look. You can see the joy in their eyes and the love they share. This day was long awaited. They beamed the whole day and nothing could have taken that away.
Mary & Nick
FEATURED engagement
When we first met in Panera, Mary and I hit it off immediately, I knew she would be a perfect KariMeBride. I was so excited when I heard back that they wanted to move forward with booking and we schedule their engagement shoot!
The Warnock's
We had so much fun walking through the town and we ended our time at the ice cream shop! What could be better then that?! I always love when shoots turn into more lifestyle.
Willow Grace
FEATURED personal
This girl is a hoot and full of personality. Her facial expressions kill me along with her sweet sweet smiles. I want to bottle all these moments up and never forget this season of life. It is so sweet. Even on the harder days, being her momma is the biggest blessing in the world!
Reese, May, Mack, Joselyn, Gianna & Sophia I never shared some pictures from Easter, I didn’t take many but I did take 1 of my sweet nieces and nephew’s on my side. This was the 1st picture of ALL of them together now!! How adorable are they?!?! I am so thankful for family. That is […]
Meet Kristin & Tyler another sweet 2014 Bride & Groom! Kristin is in her Residency & Tyler is finishing up school to be a Dentist! They met at their church and fell in love! I am so excited for their big day in September! Kristin joy just radiates from her and Tyler is completely […]
Yay for a warm and BEAUTIFUL weekend we had!!! We kicked off the weekend Friday with celebrating my sweet Hubby’s 28th birthday! We had homemade Cincinnati chili (his favorite) and enjoyed the evening celebrating with our families. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE! Saturday, we headed downtown to The Loft at Dock 580 to be a part […]
Today is Trevor’s 28th birthday! Whoohoo! I am so thankful to be your wife and to live life with you everyday! We are so excited for the year ahead and what the Lord has in store for us! Trevor launched his videography this January and he has already booked 14 weddings this year and a few […]
Loved mentoring with Kelsey last week! She was sweet as can be. She drove up from Columbus and we spent the day talking through running a business and workflow. We were thankful the rain stayed away and we got outside for some cute headshot. I found another favorite brick wall!!! (I love living in […]
Congrats to Stacey & Jeremiah!!! Wow! I am just LOVING this past weekends wedding. I am so so so excited to start into wedding season again and experience all these amazing weddings and get to capture each couples exciting day! Stacey & Jeremiah’s day was just wonderful. Thankfully the rain had moved out the night […]
What a beautiful weekend it was. It was SOO good to shoot a wedding this weekend!!!! I am so excited to get into the wedding season! Congrats to Jeremiah & Stacey! Their wedding was just beautiful. It was out at Rivercrest Farms in Dover Ohio. SUCH a neat venue. I LOVE barn weddings. This was […]
Mack Graham Beckley Finally getting around to finishing up all my sister’s pictures 🙂 Mack was only a week old when we did his studio pictures. He was a little angel baby. I loved all the little hats Shannon made. She is super creative! The Mack truck idea was all hers too! I love […]
Wedding season is officially underway!!! Trevor and I kicked of this past weekend filming Tyler and Jenna’s wedding at one of the most beautiful new venues outside of columbus, Irongate Equestrian Center. Along side of Jenny Haas who photographed it! (we loved working with them!!) It was such a beautiful wedding! This was one of […]
What a fun week it has been! Bre and I grew up together, (our families were always good friends). We were best friends from the time we were kids. We attended each other’s birthday parties, went to the same church, the same school and my 1st sleep over ever was at her house! We […]