Stephanie & Michael
Michael & Stephanie shared the sweetest first look. You can see the joy in their eyes and the love they share. This day was long awaited. They beamed the whole day and nothing could have taken that away.
Mary & Nick
FEATURED engagement
When we first met in Panera, Mary and I hit it off immediately, I knew she would be a perfect KariMeBride. I was so excited when I heard back that they wanted to move forward with booking and we schedule their engagement shoot!
The Warnock's
We had so much fun walking through the town and we ended our time at the ice cream shop! What could be better then that?! I always love when shoots turn into more lifestyle.
Willow Grace
FEATURED personal
This girl is a hoot and full of personality. Her facial expressions kill me along with her sweet sweet smiles. I want to bottle all these moments up and never forget this season of life. It is so sweet. Even on the harder days, being her momma is the biggest blessing in the world!
One on One Mentoring Brittany is a totally sweetheart! I loved getting to know her during our time together. We had a great time talking about photography and how to grow a business. We tried out a new ally for pictures and I totally fell in love with it. I love living in a little […]
Welcome Otto Henry! What an honor it was to be apart of capturing Lindsey Scholz birth of sweet Otto this past Monday evening. Lindsey is a great friend of mine and an AMAZING birth photographer! I was so excited when she wanted me to photograph her birth. Me not being a birth photographer was so […]
Roman 1st birthday! I can’t believe Roman is already 1!!! Chelsea put on a super cute party for him this past Sunday! We had a great time celebrating his day. He wasn’t feeling the greatest but when the cake came he liTo up! He looooved it! Enjoy his fun pictures 🙂 happy birthday Roman! xoxox
Meet Lauren Bell! She is such a sweet sweet girl! We had a wonderful time talking about photographing and catching up! I knew Lauren back from college and it is so awesome to see how the Lord has grown her. I loved spending the day with her and helping her learn more about photographing […]
Rowan Rowan just 6 days old for his newborn session the end of August. He was absolutely adorable and slept like a champ! Jack loved being a big brother. He did so well with him. I hope you enjoy their sweet pictures. Thank you again Erica for having me be apart of capturing such sweet […]
Engagement Video Sneak Peak Another Film by my amazing hubby!!!! So excited for Liz & Mason. Their wedding day is just around the corner. We hope you love and enjoy this video. Thank you Eric for letting us use your truck. It was awesome!!! Their engagement pictures will be posted tomorrow on the blog!! Enjoy […]
KISS I am LOVING these albums!!! I have started printing my wedding albums through KISS books. They are seriously beautiful. You can order them in linen, leather, or tuscan leather. These are the albums I over in my wedding packages. Who doesn’t want to look through their wedding pictures in a beautiful album. It was […]
German Village Senior Session I have done a slew of senior girls this past month! I am excited to blog each of them. Allie was a total sweetheart. We had a great time in German village taking fun pictures and getting to know each other. I am excited to see where she ends up over […]