Stephanie & Michael
Michael & Stephanie shared the sweetest first look. You can see the joy in their eyes and the love they share. This day was long awaited. They beamed the whole day and nothing could have taken that away.
Mary & Nick
FEATURED engagement
When we first met in Panera, Mary and I hit it off immediately, I knew she would be a perfect KariMeBride. I was so excited when I heard back that they wanted to move forward with booking and we schedule their engagement shoot!
The Warnock's
We had so much fun walking through the town and we ended our time at the ice cream shop! What could be better then that?! I always love when shoots turn into more lifestyle.
Willow Grace
FEATURED personal
This girl is a hoot and full of personality. Her facial expressions kill me along with her sweet sweet smiles. I want to bottle all these moments up and never forget this season of life. It is so sweet. Even on the harder days, being her momma is the biggest blessing in the world!
Lots of new things coming your way this year! We are so excited to announce that Trevor will be joining me this year as we make our photography our full time job. Whoohoo!! Along with doing photography, Trevor has launched his videography company, 740 Films! You do NOT want to miss his promo video, […]
A fellow photographer I follow, Jame Delaine, wrote a blog post last week about looking back over 2014 and then looking forward to 2015. She came up with these 5 questions for looking back and looking forward and challenged others to answer them and share with others. WOAH! I can’t even believe today is the last […]
2014 was an AMAZING year!!! 24 beautiful weddings! Woah! I am so completely blessed by each of these couples. It was so fun being a part of their wedding day. I loved looking back through their weddings. I picked a picture of each wedding, one of my favorites. Thank you all so much for […]
Woah! Can’t believe 2014 is coming to an End! What an amazing year it has been! I have taken some time off and let things slow down a bit around here. It has been so nice spending time with family and my husband. Almost all my work from 2014 is complete!! Woohoo!! Over the next […]
I just love this time of year so much! This is mine and Trevor’s 1st Christmas together! I loved decorating our little home all Christmassy. We found a beautiful spruce Christmas tree and Trevor even made some of our ornaments. All the woods ones 🙂 he is the best! We had fun staying up […]
This weekend I photograph my last wedding of the year! Congrats to Brooke & Chris! Such a beautiful day. Can’t wait to share their wedding on the blog tomorrow. Last night my best friend was in town and her and hubby are expecting their first little one in March! We took some fun maternity […]
I had a blast this past week meeting Leslie & Ben and getting to know them during their engagement session. They drove all the way up to Harspter for their engagement session. We had a blast! The weather was so nice and a little warmer then it has been. Leslie is finishing up physical […]
This weekends Christmas minis were wonderful! I loved photographing each of these families below. I hope you enjoy a little sneak peek of each. It was perfectly cloudy all day and not freezing cold. It was awesome. Thanks to my amazing hubby for building the Hot Cocoa set and the mantel!!! Eveything came together so […]
What a fun weekend! My sweet niece Josie turned 7 on Friday!! Shannon through an amazing dolphin/american girl birthday party. It was so fun and Josie was so excited! Saturday I had 13 amazing Christmas mini sessions! It was so so fun. The weather was just perfect. Not freezing cold like last year and just […]