Mentoring with Kari Caitlyn was my VERY first mentoring session!  Back when we 1st started emailing, she really encouraged me to start doing mentoring – coaching sessions. She said she would be my ginny pig!  Before I announced I was going to be doing these, I wanted to make sure they went smoothly and that […]

Jun 20, 2014


Dominic Loved photographing this little man! All 9lbs of him. Loved all his little rolls. Took about 10 minutes to get him to sleep and then he slept like a champ. Enjoy some of his cuteness here! xoxox

Jun 19, 2014


Vintage Rustic Wedding From the peonies, to the lace, and the gorgeous Bride & Groom, Saturday was a picture day! When Morgan and I arrived at the church and gave our hugs to Laura, she showed us the flowers and dresses. We instantly new it was going to be a beautiful day!!! Laura, was seriously stunning! […]

Jun 18, 2014


Welcoming Barrett into the Hunter Family I met the Hunter family this same day and I felt like by the end of the day I was apart of there family. As the judge confirmed the adoption of sweet Barrett, there was not a dry tear in the room. It was amazing to be apart of […]

Jun 17, 2014


Mentoring One on One Oh!!! This. Is. So. Exciting. To. Share. I have received many emails  over the last year, if I would ever start mentoring or hosting workshops. I always said, “Yes, someday I hope!” Well the day is finally here! Photography has been a huge blessing to me, I am so grateful for my job […]

Jun 16, 2014


Deer Creek Lodge Nikki & Jeremy had a BEAUTIFUL wedding day! They got married out at Deer Creek Lodge under a white gazebo, the weather was beautiful. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky! We found the shadiest area for some beautiful portraits. They had a classic black and red wedding and it looked great! […]

Jun 12, 2014


GoPro If you missed the Part 1 of our honeymoon check it out here! It was about 7:30 in the morning as we were walking through the Chicago airport as we were headed for our honeymoon and we passed a little shop that had GoPro’s. It caught Trevor’s eye immediately. We walked in an in […]

Jun 10, 2014


12 Days New Sweet Asher, just 12 days old for his little debut!  He had a head full of hair and was absolutely adorable. He slept like a champ for me too! Loved photographing this family. They are close friends of ours. Carolyn requested lots of black and white. I LOVE black and white pictures […]

Jun 9, 2014


~June in Tulum~ Morgan is getting married in 2 WEEKS!!!! Shannon did it again and put on a BEAUTIFUL amazing bridal shower for Morgan! Morgan & Michael will be honeymooning in Tulum, Mexico, so we themed the wedding around that! She got so many wonderful things and it was so fun to shower her with […]

Jun 6, 2014


Memorial Day! Last week my wonderful family traveled up to Harpster, Ohio for an evening of fun! It was great to spend the day with them. We swam in the pool, played golf, fished, cooked out, let off lanters, and made smores! It was the perfect day. I had fun snapping pictures through out the day. […]

Jun 3, 2014