Stephanie & Michael
Michael & Stephanie shared the sweetest first look. You can see the joy in their eyes and the love they share. This day was long awaited. They beamed the whole day and nothing could have taken that away.
Mary & Nick
FEATURED engagement
When we first met in Panera, Mary and I hit it off immediately, I knew she would be a perfect KariMeBride. I was so excited when I heard back that they wanted to move forward with booking and we schedule their engagement shoot!
The Warnock's
We had so much fun walking through the town and we ended our time at the ice cream shop! What could be better then that?! I always love when shoots turn into more lifestyle.
Willow Grace
FEATURED personal
This girl is a hoot and full of personality. Her facial expressions kill me along with her sweet sweet smiles. I want to bottle all these moments up and never forget this season of life. It is so sweet. Even on the harder days, being her momma is the biggest blessing in the world!
Last week we spent a week in Naples, Florida. It was such a relaxing and fun week. I have a serious love for palm trees and beaches. It rained on and off throughout our trip but we sure did get some beautiful days and evenings. While we were down their, friends of ours were also […]
After being gone for over a week, I came home to lots and lots of tomatoes, another bundle of green beans, and lots of green peppers growing. Sadly, most everything else has pretty much rotten out or died. Either way, for my 1st garden ever I think it was a successful year. Next year, we […]
We started looking at our schedule for the next few months and when we saw we had 1 weekend off we decided lets not book anything around it and take a break together before we head into the fall season! That is exactly what we have been doing the last few days! This last Thursday we […]
Another great weekend!!!! I can’t believe we are almost through AUGUST!! Fall is seriously almost here!!! We had our last August wedding this weekend and in just a couple of days Trevor & I will be headed to the beach for a little get a way before we start into the 2nd half of our […]
Woah! Hello Monday!! I thankfully been healthy for most of the year! But this weekend it hit me like a truck. Saturday I was shooting a wedding and by the middle of it I was a hot mess! So Thankful my bride and groom were amazing and so understanding! Michael & Brian you two are awesome! […]
Quarter of a Century?! YES! I turned 25 today!!! Whoa!!! The weekend is extending one more day for us as Trevor & I celebrate together! We did celebrate with my family yesterday and they got be this amazing schwinn bike!!!!! I had always talked about wanting an old schwinn bike to ride around town, well […]
Hello Friday Friends!! It’s almost the weekend! Hopefully this rainy Friday turns into sunny and bright weekend. Today, I am so excited to get back to our Home blogs! I have been sharing our types of homes the last couple weeks and our growing garden, but now today, I’m taking you back into our little […]
Loved getting back at shooting a wedding this weekend and we had Sunshine!!! Praise the Lord! Congrats to Morgan & Dan on their wedding! Morgan & her family are close friends of my husbands family. It was extra special being a part of their day. It couldn’t have gone better and been more beautiful. Morgan you […]