WHAT A DAY!!!!!  It is finally here!! After many months of hard work, Krista Jones (Palm Shop Co) has created my dream space here!!! I am IN LOVE with this new and improved KariMe Photography!!!! I could have dreamed to be where we are today! The lord has been blessing this business abundantly and I […]

Jun 3, 2015


This week is the 1st blog of a room inside our house! Welcome to our little kitchen. I love our kitchen very much. Joey, our renter did amazing updates to this apartment. My favorite part of the kitchen is the coffee bar area. Trevor actually built our coffee bar along with our kitchen table and the set […]

May 29, 2015


Less then 2 weeks ago Trevor & I celebrated our 1 year anniversary! We had the amazing Katelyn James do our 1 year anniversary pictures while we were at our Connect Retreat in Rome, Georgia. I am seriously in LOVE with all of them! I pulled together some of my tip top favorites (Which was […]

May 6, 2015


  I love love love this time of year! The warmer weather, the blooming flowers, garden planting, spring cleaning, walks with the puppy, and favorite of all WEDDING season is HERE! So many wonderful things happening this time of year. This past week & weekend we had 3 regular shoots and 9 mini shoots. I have […]

May 4, 2015


  This past week Trevor & I had the privilege of heading to Rome, Georgia for a marriage conference! Connect is a marriage conference for couples who are in business together. It was absolutely amazing! We felt so encouraged and challenged throughout the whole week. We loved meeting so many other couples who are doing […]

Apr 29, 2015


  Totally crazy to think a year ago at this time we were 1 week away from our wedding and doing all our last minute running around and wedding planning!!! I can’t believe We have been married almost 1 year next weekend! SOO exciting! Well it has been such a wonderful year so far! Trevor […]

Apr 17, 2015


  Reese, May, Mack, Joselyn, Gianna & Sophia I never shared some pictures from Easter, I didn’t take many but I did take 1 of my sweet nieces and nephew’s on my side. This was the 1st picture of ALL of them together now!! How adorable are they?!?! I am so thankful for family. That is […]

Apr 16, 2015


  Today is Trevor’s 28th birthday! Whoohoo!  I am so thankful to be your wife and to live life with you everyday! We are so excited for the year ahead and what the Lord has in store for us! Trevor launched his videography this January and he has already booked 14 weddings this year and a few […]

Apr 10, 2015


  Lately we have done so much traveling! It has been a fun month for sure! Utah-Iowa-Illinois-and now Missouri! (All in 1 month!) I flew out yesterday evening to visit my best friend Bre and meet her & Nathan’s newest addition Annabelle. After almost missing my connecting flight because of a delayed flight I thankfully […]

Mar 25, 2015


  Meet my sweet new nephew Mack!!!! 8lbs. — 20.5 inches — 10:58am He is now just a week old and so sweet as can be! I was so thankful to make it just in time for Shannon to deliver! She went into the hospital at 5:30am and by 10:58 Mack was welcomed into this world […]

Mar 18, 2015