Every week, I look forward to Friday’s posts. I’m not sure if it’s the fun creative pictures or if it is seeing the progress of our garden growing or even just something different then the rest of the blogs. Whatever it is, I just Love Friday’s!  Last week we shared our kitchen with you all! I hope […]

Jun 5, 2015


This week is the 1st blog of a room inside our house! Welcome to our little kitchen. I love our kitchen very much. Joey, our renter did amazing updates to this apartment. My favorite part of the kitchen is the coffee bar area. Trevor actually built our coffee bar along with our kitchen table and the set […]

May 29, 2015


We have a REAL garden!!! Everything is planted! We planted the garden less then 2 weeks ago and things are already starting to look amazing! I am SUPER pumped! This week I made cute little signs that say what each thing is for the garden. Here is the list of things we are growing: Lettuce, […]

May 22, 2015


  We officially have a garden!!! But before I get ahead of myself, this week I just wanted to share some pictures of how we got the garden ready to plant! (next week I’ll share the finished product) We were able to do this on Saturday last week which was amazing!!  We don’t get very […]

May 15, 2015


Our little place called Home As I announced on Monday, each Friday, I will be blogging a little something about our home or garden. This is my 1st year really truly gardening (Not just in clay pots) and I am excited to see how it goes! On Wednesday my hubby staked off our garden and […]

May 8, 2015


  I just love this time of year so much! This is mine and Trevor’s 1st Christmas together! I loved decorating our little home all Christmassy. We found a beautiful spruce Christmas tree and Trevor even made some of our ornaments. All the woods ones 🙂 he is the best! We had fun staying up […]

Dec 24, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!  Today is one of my favorite Holidays. I love gathering with family and eating until and we can’t breathe. I hope you are all enjoying your families today! I am reminded today of how thankful I am for my amazing Husband Trevor and my awesome family. I love them all so dearly […]

Nov 27, 2014