Still Demoing!  We have had our home now over 1 month and we have come along way, with demoing it 😉 Everything is about done with the demo and cleaned up, that blog will be coming next week. I am a little behind on the updates with vacation last week. A couple weeks ago, my sister […]

Aug 3, 2016


Renovating week 1 #the1900bowmanhome It is crazy to think that two weeks ago today we closed on our new house!! We have been hard at work when we are home and able too over the last two weeks. We have done a lot and I am getting so so excited to see it all come together. […]

Jul 8, 2016


Can hardly believe that last Friday we closed on our 1st home!!! We bought this 100 year old home right in the heart of Upper Sandusky. We had been looking and praying for what God had next for us. We both wanted a home and wanted a fixer upper. We were always looking and this […]

Jun 30, 2016


Happy Birthday Remington! One year ago today Remi was born!! Who would have thought in a million years I would be writing a blog about my PUPPY turning 1!!! Totally crazy and it is true, a puppy does steal your heart. I am sorry to all those people I made fun of for loving their […]

Nov 20, 2015


What a fun week it has been!!! We are traveling back to our home sweet home after spending the week with my family at the beach in Hilton Head. It was such a fun and relaxing week. We had beautiful weather every day we were here. We ate tons of great food and soaked up […]

Jul 31, 2015


Hello Friday Friends!! It’s almost the weekend! Hopefully this rainy Friday turns into sunny and bright weekend.  Today, I am so excited to get back to our Home blogs! I have been sharing our types of homes the last couple weeks and our growing garden, but now today, I’m taking you back into our little […]

Jul 17, 2015


Oh!! This week was a good good week! With all the rain we have had, the garden has been growing growing growing! I haven’t had to actually water it in a couple weeks because it is ALWAYS raining. We made delicious salads with lettuce from our garden along with our 1st green pepper! Buried under […]

Jul 10, 2015


My 1st ever “real” camping experience!  Friday’s are typically my home & garden post, so I thought it was only fitting to share our “home away from home” last week! Morgan & Michael came up for a couple of days to spend time with us. We came up with this great idea of lets go […]

Jun 26, 2015


Our Garden is definitely growing!! We found this funny looking gnome and new favorite piece to our garden, Ron, at Target! Target for the win! Trevor & I laughed in store as I carried him around. I couldn’t wait to put him in the garden. He fits perfectly. This past week our lettuce was starting […]

Jun 19, 2015


“This little space we called Home” It’s Friday!!! We are gearing up for a double header, well actually triple header weekend!!! Trevor and I are photographing a wedding today and tomorrow, I am photographing a wedding and he is videoing a different wedding. Busy weekend ahead and we are so excited to celebrate with 3 […]

Jun 12, 2015